Best Bay Area Hikes for Spring: Where to See Waterfalls, Wildflowers and Mushrooms After All That Rain
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Best Bay Area Hikes for Spring: Where to See Waterfalls, Wildflowers and Mushrooms After All That Rain

Coastal wildflowers at an elephant seal viewpoint, Point Reyes National Seashore. California experienced a brutally wet winter. But all that rainfall is paving the way for a beautiful Bay Area spring.

The rain from the winter storms has brought gushing waterfalls, meadows with carpets of blooming wildflowers and sprouting mushrooms — the subject of a recent radio show from KQED Forum . Keep reading for our guide to the best Bay Area hikes near you as recommended in that conversation, if you’d like to experience some of these wonders for yourself. Waterfalls are supercharged right now

Whether you’re planning to visit one of these locations to look for wildflowers or chase waterfalls at one of California’s many beautiful parks , be sure to check the park website to make sure the trails are open — or whether you need a reservation for parking. Bring plenty of water, sunscreen or a […]

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