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Cover Q&A with Siobhan O’Dwyer

Designers Today’s March 2022 cover, and O’Dwyer This former pharmacist and March’s cover artist now immerses herself in photography, traversing the U.S. and abroad to capture the landscapes and flowers that are the basis of her work. Living a bi-coastal life-style – she travels between California and New York – O’Dwyer shares what inspires her and what’s coming up. – Andrea Lillo.

You call yourself a digital creative influencer instead of an artist or photographer – why is that ?

“I refer to myself as a digital creative influencer more to just specify the type of artist I represent. I feel the term incorporates both artist and photographer, in which I act as both to create the digital artwork you see displayed. I feel I use the term artist more often when I am discussing my creative visions and process, but I like to use digital creative influencer to […]

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