Then and Now, Photos of Glacier National Park Over Time
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Then and Now, Photos of Glacier National Park Over Time

I was scrolling Instagram the other day and found myself completely engrossed by a post from an account called @national_archaelology. It’s an account dedicated to showing amazing photos from around the world that typically have to do with history, travel, or archaeology.

The post that caught my eye had vintage photos from Switzerland and Germany. I might have stopped scrolling simply because they were vintage photos, but what had me transfixed was that these were photos of glaciers in the alps. The photos showed photos from the 1920s, 30s, or 40s, compared to photos taken in 2022. The change in the size of the glaciers was astounding.

Within a day, a similar post appeared on the Glacier National Park Facebook page. They explain that these photos were part of a long-term photography project. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) started the Repeat Photography Project in 1997 with a systematic search of […]

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